News and Announcements
Welcome to Team 84

WELCOME to Team 84 forums! This is where we post announcements about our channels, can host poles and communicate with everyone!

What can I expect from Team 84?

We Livestream and make videos on our YouTube channel mostly. We play all kinds of games. We play from Call of Duty to Minecraft and more.

Who is currently in Team 84 / Find social media of members

You can find a list on our members and social media pages here

Do you have a Discord?

Yes, you can find the invite link here

I have a question about your content, website, and so on

Feel free to ask us on our general section or ask in our discord above. Or email [email protected]

**WELCOME** to Team 84 forums! This is where we post announcements about our channels, can host poles and communicate with everyone! What can I expect from Team 84? ================== We Livestream and make videos on our [YouTube]( channel mostly. We play all kinds of games. We play from [Call of Duty]( to [Minecraft]( and more. Who is currently in Team 84 / Find social media of members == You can find a list on our members and social media pages [here]( "here") Do you have a Discord? == Yes, you can find the invite link [here]( "here") I have a question about your content, website, and so on == Feel free to ask us on our [general]( section or ask in our discord above. Or email [[email protected]](http://mailto:[email protected] "[email protected]")


edited Sep 12 at 3:33 pm
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