News and Announcements
Forum Guidelines & Rules

We have a base set of rules on our forums. By using our forums, you agree to follow the rules and all of our Terms Of Service guidelines.

1. Terms Of Services
To register and use our forums you have to agree to our Terms Of Service for our main site and also our Terms Of Service for our forums themselves.

Be respectful of members, moderators, and the Team 84 team. Don't throw insults, hate speech, and others that may fit in that category.

3. Spam guidelines
Avoid spam, self-promotion, etc. We're more relaxed on this however if you have any question feel free to contact us with questions.

4. Moderation
Moderators can and will moderate the forums. They're allowed to take action on posts while they see fit, including content that may not be listed in our terms of service.

**Guidelines** We have a base set of rules on our forums. By using our forums, you agree to follow the rules and all of our Terms Of Service guidelines. **1. Terms Of Services** To register and use our forums you have to agree to our [Terms Of Service]( "Terms Of Service") for our main site and also our Terms Of Service for our [forums]( "forums") themselves. **2. RESPECT EVERYONE AND THEIR OPINION** Be respectful of members, moderators, and the Team 84 team. Don't throw insults, hate speech, and others that may fit in that category. **3. Spam guidelines** Avoid spam, self-promotion, etc. We're more relaxed on this however if you have any question feel free to contact us with questions. **4. Moderation** Moderators can and will moderate the forums. They're allowed to take action on posts while they see fit, including content that may not be listed in our terms of service.


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