General Discussions
Is getting Discord worth is?

Would me getting a Discord account be worth is? Is it good? Advice if I get it?

Would me getting a Discord account be worth is? Is it good? Advice if I get it?

Well, that's a hard question to answer without more information.
Like why are you looking into getting Discord in the first place?
With that said, Discord is also free & not too big in terms of file size, so you could just give it a shot.

Well, that's a hard question to answer without more information. Like why are you looking into getting Discord in the first place? With that said, Discord is also free & not too big in terms of file size, so you could just give it a shot.

Likes to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate, League & Gunfire Reborn. Mains Lucario, Rengar & Lei Luo respectively.

I like to think it is very well worth it if you put up with the.. strange.. changes

I like to think it is very well worth it if you put up with the.. strange.. changes


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