Companies shutting down forums

I have no where else to post this:

I am sick and tired of companies shutting down forums and moving to Discord and shit. I do not want to join a discord to send feedback or talk about something.

like example Ubisoft shut down the ubisoft forums

Team 84 Official has both, this is how it always starts. How can we trust you won’t do that.

is there plans to close forums for discord? im so sick of it, you can have both co-exist. why are companies even doing that? I posted this on multiple other sites and it’s always fucking taken down for some bullshit or another that does not even make sense. This rant is to long for Twitter, i don’t own a blog. That is a beauty of forums, isn’t it?

Each form of contact for Team84 has a different purpose, the discord can be used to message us but is mostly an information hub. The forums are meant as a public community forum and is completely separate. There is no plans to shut this down at all, in fact the forums are still in heavy development.

I agree i dont like being FORCED to join discords

I feel they can live in Harmany, but hosting forums does cost organizations money, time, resources, which is reduced if you give the overhead to someone like Discord. In my opinion that is probably why they’re starting to move over to Discord.