Originally published at: https://team84official.com/events/logo-contest-rules-faq/
In today’s modern age we need to grow as a community, and we’re trying something new for once. Trying. (what the hell is wrong with us recently?). This is a 100% ploy to totally change our logo to it (we don’t have any plans right now, don’t worry). Also, this is also something to do until December 18‘s announcement 👀. Below you’ll find information on what this contest is and how to submit and rules.
What is this contest?
The contest is to redesign our beautiful, sexy logo. (god, I want to romance it so bad..) (dating sim next?)
This is an example of a variant done by Trevin Pro, (one of our pawsome owners)
As you can see, it’s a variant. Awesome pawsome! It does not need to be exactly like this. it needs to only follow specific rules:
1. It can NOT be AI generated
2. It MUST be created by you
3. It MUST show “Team 84”. The “Official” is optional
Entering the contest
We offer multiple ways to submit your designs to us. While we prefer you submit on our forums, we also offer other places to submit also.
- Forums (preferred)
- Discord
- Email submissions@team84official.com
How do I submit
Please refer to “Entering the contest” above
What will be done with submissions?
We’ll upload them to a competition winners page that will be updated every event we host a event which involves submissions, or so on! It will give credit and you can tell us socials to add also. We’ll get in contact with you either via DM on our forums, or DM on Discord, or whatever else you submitted.
What is your preferred submission method?
We prefer you submit on our own Forums. If you’re unable to submit on our forums get in contact with our Support team. Another great way to submit is our Discord server. Find more information above.