What should be on the Team84 support page?

Support link ← Just for reference

This is a topic where people can leave questions they think people should be able to find answers to by just looking through our support page. Some added to a basic FAQ, others may be added as its own piece if accepted. This topic allows the community to help others in the community.

This article is out of date Changing email preferences on the Team 84 Official forums : Team 84

in the example used in "Shorten" command usage : Team 84 you say team84official.gq when your site is .com

add more articles on how to use the forums like posts and replies. Example Google Communities Help and Find answers and ask questions in the Apple Support Community - Apple Support

Thank you for that feedback :hampter:

I made changes to those outdated articles, we’ll discuss those additions. The GQ used to be our former domain but we can afford a .com now (awwww yeah).